If you actually watched the hearing or read the presentations and reports issued by the auditors, you would likely understand that election fraud was clearly evident calling in to question the reported vote results.
The following audit activities have been officially completed:
Hand-counting of all federal races
Image and microscope capture of all ballots
Review and comparison of official results
Analysis of voter rolls
The following audit activities have yet to be completed:
Review of Splunk Logs and Routers
Analysis of ballot paper
The following individuals testified before the Arizona Senate:
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
Doug Logan
Ben Cotton
Randy Pullen
Ken Bennett
Key Findings:
No clear victor could rationally be declared because the election record chain of custody was broken
Despite attempts to delete internet connection data, forensic analysis revealed undeniable evidence of internet connectivity in “Unallocated Space” for EMS Server, EMS Client Workstations, Adjudication Workstations and other devices
Timing of one of the internet sessions corresponds to execution of a SQL Purge command resulting in the deletion of election results database
Dual boot configuration discovered on Adjudication equipment which is NOT an approved configuration. Second hard drive contained non-Maricopa County data
Clearly intentional overwriting of security logs evident
Remote Access and Terminal Services features of Windows were enabled allowing remote internet access
Hand recount showed a net gain of 360 votes for Joe Biden in Maricopa count (REMINDER: Hand recount does not differentiate between true and fake ballots if chain of custody has been violated)
Potentially as many as 5,047 individuals who voted in more than one county
Unknown how many EVB return envelopes were originally received by Maricopa County
34,448 duplicate images from 17,126 voters yet Maricopa County reported ZERO duplicate images including an uptick of duplicates during last 6 days of the election
Signature verification stamps were applied to blank signatures
Multiple statutory violations were cited and forwarded to the Arizona Attorney General for further investigation and prosecution as warranted
The analysis of the paper ballots would have likely blunted the media narrative that the vote results still showed Joe Biden receiving the majority of votes, but that analysis was not completed prior to the hearing.
Review the presentations and reports submitted by those testifying at the AZ Senate Republicans link below: