A new poll conducted by the Knights of Columbus and Marist suggests most Americans oppose using taxpayer dollars for abortions in the United States and abroad.
According to a telephone survey of more than 1,000 people, a majority of Americans, nearly 6 in 10, oppose using federal funding to pay for abortions for women in the United States. When examined by their ideology, even 31 percent of those who self-identify as “pro-choice” object to using tax dollars for abortions on American soil. Approximately 83 percent of Republicans are opposed to this proposition as well as 65 percent of independents.
When asked about using federal funds for international abortions, 77 percent of Americans said they “oppose” or “strongly oppose” it, a number the researchers say has gone up since last year, with 95 percent of Republicans, 85 percent of independents, and even 55 percent of Democrats opposing it, demonstrating bipartisan agreement. Of those against using tax dollars to pay for abortions overseas, 64 percent even say they are pro-choice.