PRO Act will remove your freedom to be your own boss

The Democratic Party-controlled House of Representatives is about to vote on the "PRO Act." It will destroy the livelihood of millions of independent contractors and freelancers, ban Right to Work laws, and make it easier for union bosses to intimidate workers.

The PRO Act drastically increases the power of labor union leaders to force workers to pay them union dues. This is a quid pro quo, the payoff, in return for the hundreds of millions of dollars Big Labor poured into Democratic Party campaigns to capture the House, Senate, and White House. On the campaign trail, both President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris endorsed the PRO Act and threatened to ban state Right to Work laws, which allow people the freedom to work without being forced to join a union or pay union dues.

The PRO Act would repeal all the existing Right to Work laws that protect 166 million people in 27 states, over half the U.S. population. Forced union dues are wrong, and no one should have to pay someone just to get a job. Congress recognized this over 70 years ago when it passed the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947. If the PRO Act passes, workers all across the country will be forced to pay cash to unions whether they want to or not.